Assalumailaikum n hye friends!!
from the entry tittle kan,which one do u think the most pling bes name for my students to call me 4 1/2 years later (x cmpur practical..umi,nak bwak kete!!please~~ok,forget it..-.-').. i like it if my future students call me ibu or mama or any other panggilan for mak bcause it'll mke our reltionship tighten,kan2??hehe..bajet dewase minah ni..=p
actually i want to write about the profession of a teacher,yela,kan aku akn jadi pon study kat mktab or name glamernye IPG(people rarely know what IPG is,tersisih pulak ase..hehe). im only studyin here,x mcm my other friends yang just knew their UPU results n dapat Universiti gempak2,ade yg will fly overseas(sgat jeles okeyh..(-_-)) n mcm2 lagi but maktab pun maktab la..SANGAT BANGGA okeyh..hehe,bukan senang nak jadi cikgu ni,Guru Pembina Negara Bangsa,hoho,jangan ujub miera..please jangan..=D
adakah aku mcm ni nanti??hehe..(sile tutup aurat amira,jangan lupe diri..(*_*))
why i didnt masuk2 lagi the actual topic ni dari td??such a crap writter..hoho,maafkan beta.. iDea for writing dis teacher thinggy ni lahir when i read the article bertajuk 'Calon lulus kursus perguruan terus dilantik guru tetap: Muhyiddin' in Berita Harian on9 today(22nd june 2010). Memang dis few years government really put an effort untuk upgrade dis profession,thats why years after years,qualification nak msuk maktab become more ketat n ketat..Tapi the question yg i want to arise is why semakin berkualiti guru2 yang produced(kononnye..dilihat from academic aspect only),semakin masyarakat yang dilahirkan facing to the jahilliyah era(if dont believe,tgk la baby dumping chart in Malaysia..tsk2)??
kesian kan??("kalo xleh kawal nafsu,puase!!",pelajar 5 active 2008,ingat lagi x incident nie?hahaha)
There is one main reason yang i could see which derived to penghasilan anak bangsa yang seprti tidak berbangsa ini..hehe,the reason is Guru themselves..of course cannot put the all the faults on the shoulder of guru2 malaysia tapi kenyatan ni cannot been denied,rite??dari dkat maktab lagi,semangat nak jadi guru yang mendidik,bukan hanya mengajar tu cannot been seen and felt..bak kata abang shamsul(YDP UPM),students or i want to narrow in the perspective of IPG's trainee teacher hanya mengamalkan 7K each and every day of their life in the campus..nak tau x 7K tu ape??hehe,kalo nak tau,bace la..
im not saying that im good or what sebab aku pon dlam golongan ni jgak actually..huhu,maybe the environment,curriculum,pentadbiran(ehem2,cara treat trainee teacher seperti kindergarten students mungkin!!) n others yang causes us to be like this..kalo cikgu pon da lagha n leka,mcm mane la nak mndidik anak murid..jangan smpai becoming a teacher who just wait for the salary or wedge at the end of each month je..keikhlasan n the feeling of responsible tu tersangat la penting..=)

hari ni seperti motivator pulak ase,sori kerana soooo la boring writing hari ni tapi renung renungkan lah ye..=)
p/s:today is my 2nd brother 18th birthday..n for that,to IZZAT SHAHIR MUHAMMAD AZHA,happy burfday,hope you always keep in His track n jadi la insan yang terbaik..wlaupun angah slalu wat hal,along always will sayang angah..tsk3.=')
dis is my dik yang kedua,angah..
from the entry tittle kan,which one do u think the most pling bes name for my students to call me 4 1/2 years later (x cmpur practical..umi,nak bwak kete!!please~~ok,forget it..-.-').. i like it if my future students call me ibu or mama or any other panggilan for mak bcause it'll mke our reltionship tighten,kan2??hehe..bajet dewase minah ni..=p
actually i want to write about the profession of a teacher,yela,kan aku akn jadi pon study kat mktab or name glamernye IPG(people rarely know what IPG is,tersisih pulak ase..hehe). im only studyin here,x mcm my other friends yang just knew their UPU results n dapat Universiti gempak2,ade yg will fly overseas(sgat jeles okeyh..(-_-)) n mcm2 lagi but maktab pun maktab la..SANGAT BANGGA okeyh..hehe,bukan senang nak jadi cikgu ni,Guru Pembina Negara Bangsa,hoho,jangan ujub miera..please jangan..=D

why i didnt masuk2 lagi the actual topic ni dari td??such a crap writter..hoho,maafkan beta.. iDea for writing dis teacher thinggy ni lahir when i read the article bertajuk 'Calon lulus kursus perguruan terus dilantik guru tetap: Muhyiddin' in Berita Harian on9 today(22nd june 2010). Memang dis few years government really put an effort untuk upgrade dis profession,thats why years after years,qualification nak msuk maktab become more ketat n ketat..Tapi the question yg i want to arise is why semakin berkualiti guru2 yang produced(kononnye..dilihat from academic aspect only),semakin masyarakat yang dilahirkan facing to the jahilliyah era(if dont believe,tgk la baby dumping chart in Malaysia..tsk2)??

There is one main reason yang i could see which derived to penghasilan anak bangsa yang seprti tidak berbangsa ini..hehe,the reason is Guru themselves..of course cannot put the all the faults on the shoulder of guru2 malaysia tapi kenyatan ni cannot been denied,rite??dari dkat maktab lagi,semangat nak jadi guru yang mendidik,bukan hanya mengajar tu cannot been seen and felt..bak kata abang shamsul(YDP UPM),students or i want to narrow in the perspective of IPG's trainee teacher hanya mengamalkan 7K each and every day of their life in the campus..nak tau x 7K tu ape??hehe,kalo nak tau,bace la..
im not saying that im good or what sebab aku pon dlam golongan ni jgak actually..huhu,maybe the environment,curriculum,pentadbiran(ehem2,cara treat trainee teacher seperti kindergarten students mungkin!!) n others yang causes us to be like this..kalo cikgu pon da lagha n leka,mcm mane la nak mndidik anak murid..jangan smpai becoming a teacher who just wait for the salary or wedge at the end of each month je..keikhlasan n the feeling of responsible tu tersangat la penting..=)

hari ni seperti motivator pulak ase,sori kerana soooo la boring writing hari ni tapi renung renungkan lah ye..=)
p/s:today is my 2nd brother 18th birthday..n for that,to IZZAT SHAHIR MUHAMMAD AZHA,happy burfday,hope you always keep in His track n jadi la insan yang terbaik..wlaupun angah slalu wat hal,along always will sayang angah..tsk3.=')
miss miera kot :D memandangkan ko cikgu BI kann. hee