So excited kot 2 posts in a day..haha..kumar tu actually a new boyfriend of mine..hehe..sangat handsome,macho,putih bersih,active,cute,bla,bla and bla but there is something weird i found about him!DIE BANYAK BULU!!haha..His name is actualy Kuma lah..and mmg pon die my boyfriend sbb he is the new 'jantan' friend yg bole jd my kawan,even though die xde FB or berblog seperti aku..Most importantly,i loooooooove him!!=)
But i'm quite scared of this bunny,aku takot semua binatang kot..haha..yang pling penting.die banyak berak Saaaaangat..penat da bau n cuci ni..amira,not even 24 hours kot,jgn mengeluh!!ko yang nak sangat..-.-' . okeyh,Sila Redha!!
Actually, i really want a bunny since darjah 1 lagi,every year mintak dkat umi and abah to pet a rabbit..janji nak dapat markah tinggi la konon in each exam n test..huhu..tapi after more then 10 years baru dapat sekor rabbit nih..Tu pon my sister's friend yang sedekah Kuma ni..huhu.Happy kot..So damn happy..=)
What i'm thinking now is,x sampai hati pule nak tulis..huhu..Thank God that i'll stay at KL starting next week,no need to take care of this mean rite??-.-'. its not mean that i dont like Kuma, of corse i loove it tapi agak penat la nak jage..huhu,so gedik okeyh..=p
p/s: Tanx uMi n Najwa's friend,Baiyinah 4 making my 10 years old dream came true,hoho
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