Assalamualaikum wbt and hye

ade sumone ni asyik sgt kutuk aku, aku tak kisah la weh...kau ingat kau bgus sgt ke??blah la, sikit aku x heran~~~reput la dlam bilik kau sorang sorang dengan lipas merayap rayap kat mulut yang kuat sgt kuarkan phrases mcm2 kat org lain..( dem mean rite??haihh, im not that bad actually, saje nak tunjuk gangster, baru orang x bully myself like always..yeahh, amira katang skali, jgn brani nak kaco die..-.-")

sy hepi, sy gembire, sy merasai segale galenye..Alhamdulillah atas nikmatMu Ya Allah..tanx to all the people exists in my no one without you, i wont live without you, my oxygens..=). muke cam badut pon ade sumthing behind it..wanna be clown for someone afterwards..;D

Be Good with the nite, GOODNITE.;)