Asslamualaikum wb.t and hye3..
Its been a while since i did write some piece of minds and thoughts in this small blog of mine..missing it actually(i mean it guys...dreamin of my blogs each time i slept and took a nap,ahha,jk~~) but my hactic life in Ib Really forced me to move my fingers away from tabbing the keyboard..its been a month since i had started my journey as a Foundation course semester 3 student.. Many things had happened, personally, socially and all others -ly2..hehe
nurul amira is always a person who do not know how to decide..she made rows of mistakes, she cried oftenly because she made unwise decisions, this is Amira i know and i am so sad bcause i am that amira.. the decision i made few days back effected my self and someone too. but after istikharah n thinking like zillion times, i made it and yeah, i have to accept it and felt relieved as there must be reasons behind something..rite?? =)
i want to have a target now..1stly, updated my blog at least once in a week now..u have to update amira, this is the only way you'll learn how to improve ur writing(lazy amira..haha) and this is the only way u can express ur feelin'. 2nd, i want to lose at least 6kg's of my weight before raya..(kalo nak baju raya muat la ye amira!hee). 3rd, i want to read at least a book in a fortnight(english of course, improvise,improvise,improvise).4th, i wanna speak english more frequent wif anyone around me.(i'm scared the fact that we'll maybe move to ipba next year but my proficiency of the language still lack in so many angle that i could see,poor me~~). Lastly, i wana cut down my expenses(u shop a lot amira and eat a lot.haha) by saving money for buying foods and unnecessary items..
i know i can do it..jai yok2..=D
my hobby now: changing my fb profile pic each tyme i open my acount..haha..irritating gile amira
Its been a while since i did write some piece of minds and thoughts in this small blog of mine..missing it actually(i mean it guys...dreamin of my blogs each time i slept and took a nap,ahha,jk~~) but my hactic life in Ib Really forced me to move my fingers away from tabbing the keyboard..its been a month since i had started my journey as a Foundation course semester 3 student.. Many things had happened, personally, socially and all others -ly2..hehe
nurul amira is always a person who do not know how to decide..she made rows of mistakes, she cried oftenly because she made unwise decisions, this is Amira i know and i am so sad bcause i am that amira.. the decision i made few days back effected my self and someone too. but after istikharah n thinking like zillion times, i made it and yeah, i have to accept it and felt relieved as there must be reasons behind something..rite?? =)
i want to have a target now..1stly, updated my blog at least once in a week now..u have to update amira, this is the only way you'll learn how to improve ur writing(lazy amira..haha) and this is the only way u can express ur feelin'. 2nd, i want to lose at least 6kg's of my weight before raya..(kalo nak baju raya muat la ye amira!hee). 3rd, i want to read at least a book in a fortnight(english of course, improvise,improvise,improvise).4th, i wanna speak english more frequent wif anyone around me.(i'm scared the fact that we'll maybe move to ipba next year but my proficiency of the language still lack in so many angle that i could see,poor me~~). Lastly, i wana cut down my expenses(u shop a lot amira and eat a lot.haha) by saving money for buying foods and unnecessary items..
i know i can do it..jai yok2..=D

my hobby now: changing my fb profile pic each tyme i open my acount..haha..irritating gile amira